
Ananda Yoga School of India => Teachers

Nayaswami Gyandev Mc Cord

E-RYT 500 and PhD in Operations Research from Stanford University
Director of Ananda Yoga and Ananda Yoga Teacher Training
Co-founder of Yoga Alliance
Writer, Lecturer, Kriyacharya and Ananda Minister
Taught Yoga and Meditation to thousands over the last forty years

Nayaswami Jaya

Kriyacharya and Spiritual Co-Director of Ananda Sangha, India
Taught meditation and initiated thousands to Kriya
Kriya Yogi for over fifty years

Nayaswami Dhyana

Kriyacharya and Spiritual Co-Director of Ananda Sangha, India
Taught meditation and initiated thousands to Kriya
Kriya Yogi for over forty years

Latha Gupta

E-RYT 500 and YACEP Director – Ananda Yoga School of India Yoga and Meditation Teacher Trainer Life and Leadership Coach and Speaker

Amruta Dubal

Yoga Teacher and Kriya Yogi
Program Coordinator – Ananda Yoga School of India
Teaches Asana & Pranayam thousands to Kriya
Kriya Yogi for over forty years

Nayaswami Aditya

Asst Director Ananda Sangha
Kriyacharya, Brahmachari and Medical Doctor
Teaches Meditation, Kriya Yoga, Yoga Anatomy and Neuroscience

Nayaswami Bhajana

E-RYT 500 and YACEP
Ananda Minister, Yoga and Meditation Teacher
Guest Faculty – Ananda Yoga School of India