Your success in life does not depend only upon natural ability; it also depends upon your determination to grasp the opportunity that is presented to you. Opportunities in life come by creation, not by chance.Paramhansa Yogananda
Key Highlights
Learn to influence the material plane from the spiritual plane
Activate the laws of success and happiness in your life
Tune into yogic wisdom and strengthen your success karma
Tools for outward fulfilment and inner enlightenment
Access original lessons and audio recording of 26 lessons by Swami Kriyananda
What is initiative? It is the creative faculty within you, a spark of the Infinite Creator. It may give you the power to create something no one else has ever created. It urges you to do things in new ways.Paramhansa Yogananda
Course Contents
Access to 26 reading lessons each covering Key ancient yogic insights that transform different aspects of our life, our work our relations
26 lessons in audio form
Key talks based on yogic approach that addresses the topic
Guided affirmation, visualizations to bring those insights into daily experience
Monthly webinars reflecting more deeply on these topics
Monthly live sessions with senior teachers and acharyas from Ananda Sangha
Discussion Forum for continual support
A one-on-one session with one of our experienced life coaches (our coaches are practitioners at Ananda sangha and have significant experience in various leadership positions in the corporate world)