
What happens when you practise Vasishthasana?

Vasishthasana is a simple but challenging pose. We start in the plank position, body in a straight line, weight on hands and toes, with hands beneath shoulders. On an inhalation, we roll our upper body weight onto our left arm as we sweep our right arm out to the side and up and turn the body 90 degrees to the right. The right … Read More


Why Practice Vrikasana?

Vrikasana, or Tree Pose, is one of my favourite asanas. The Sanskrit words “Vrika” mean tree and “Asana” mean posture. It is a balancing asana. This asana roots you and helps you be calm and centered. It keeps your body balanced and helps you be in the moment. You feel more centered from within, which creates a sense of calm … Read More


Why I love Viaparita Karani?

Viparita Karani is one of my favourite poses. I have never turned down the opportunity to do Viparita Karani. I remember that while we were learning asanas in the Yoga Teacher Training programme, this was the only asana that I could not do. Being a perfectionist, I not only wanted to perform the asana but also to perfect it. I … Read More


Ardha Matsyendrasana – Why Twist?

Twisting yoga poses increase spine mobility, relieve blocked energies and stimulate the digestive system and other organs. This helps to restore and retain the spine’s natural range of motion. Including twists in our yoga practice will help you to find ease, balance, and serenity in all areas of our life. Twisting and lengthening our spine can make us feel re-energized … Read More